Looking for a safe and reliable way to buy gold?

Gold is one of the most precious metals in the world and is used for several purposes. It is mostly used for making jewelry and for ornamentation. Gold is a highly priced commodity and has been used since ancient times as a form of currency.

Gold is traded on the international market through large companies that buy and sell gold. These large companies buy gold directly from miners who extract it from mines around the world. Gold mines are located in many different countries around the globe including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Russia, South Africa and China.

The price of gold fluctuates depending on supply and demand factors such as economic conditions or geopolitical events that affect consumer confidence levels. 

When you purchase gold on the international market, it is essential that you follow the procedure outlined below.

The LOI (Letter of Intent) is a document that outlines the intention of both parties to enter into a contract for the purchase and sale of gold.

The FCO (Full Corporate Offer) is a detailed description of the products or services being offered by one party to another. 

The ICPO (Irrevocable Corporate Purchase Order) is an order for goods or services placed by an individual or company at a specific price and quantity. 

The CONTRACT (SPA) is used to execute a contract between two parties when only one party has signed it beforehand.

Looking for a safe and reliable way to buy gold in Brazil? We can help!

At Brokercon, we understand that you want to be sure your gold is authentic and legally sourced. That’s why we work with only the most trusted companies on the market. If you would like more information about our services or if you are interested in selling some of your gold, please email us at info@brokercon.com.br