New Regulations for Sugar Mills in Brazil: No More Visits from Foreign Buyers

In recent years, Brazil has become a major player in the global sugar market, with its vast sugarcane plantations and state-of-the-art sugar mills. However, a recent change in regulations has been raising eyebrows: Brazilian sugar mills no longer permit visits from foreign buyers. In this blog post, we will discuss the reasons behind this decision and explain how buyers can still access all the necessary information to make informed decisions about their purchases.

Reasons for the change in regulations:

There are several reasons why Brazilian sugar mills have decided to restrict access to their facilities for foreign buyers. These include:

Health and safety concerns: The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has made it crucial for industries worldwide to minimize the risk of infection. By limiting the number of visitors to their facilities, sugar mills can better protect their employees and maintain strict health and safety protocols.

Security: Sugar mills are increasingly concerned about the potential theft of proprietary information and technology. Restricting access to their facilities allows them to better safeguard their intellectual property and maintain their competitive edge in the global market.

Efficiency: The process of organizing and accommodating visits from foreign buyers can be time-consuming and costly for sugar mills. By eliminating these visits, mills can focus on their core operations and improve overall efficiency.

Alternatives for foreign buyers:

Despite the restrictions on visits, foreign buyers still have ample opportunities to evaluate the quality and specifications of Brazilian sugar. These include:

Proof of Product (POP): In the contractual phase, the sugar mills provide a POP, which includes all relevant certifications recognized by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). This documentation ensures that the sugar meets international standards and provides buyers with confidence in the quality and specifications of the product.

SGS inspection: SGS, a world-leading inspection, verification, testing, and certification company, conducts inspections at the port of shipment to ensure the quality and compliance of sugar exports. Buyers can rely on these inspections to verify that the sugar meets their requirements and standards.

Virtual meetings: Although physical visits are no longer allowed, sugar mills may offer virtual video conferences with their representatives. This allows buyers to discuss any questions or concerns they may have and gain a better understanding of the mill’s operations and products.

While the recent change in regulations may initially seem like a hurdle for foreign buyers looking to purchase sugar from Brazil, alternative methods are available to ensure that they receive all the necessary information to make informed decisions. By utilizing the Proof of Product, relying on SGS inspections at the port of shipment, and engaging in virtual tours and meetings, buyers can maintain confidence in the quality and specifications of Brazilian sugar.

Are you looking to import top-quality Brazilian sugar for your business? We offer you an unmatched product and service experience. Don’t miss this opportunity to work with industry-leading partners and secure the finest sugar for your needs.

For more information and to discuss your specific requirements, please get in touch with our team of dedicated professionals at We are eager to assist you in navigating the Brazilian sugar market and ensuring a seamless import process.