Sugar production expected to grow in 2023/24

The 2023/24 season that starts in April in the Center-South of Brazil may register an increase in sugarcane production, due to higher productivity. Estimates indicate that the Center-South can produce from 560 to 595 million tons of sugarcane, against 538.98 million tons in the current 2022/23 season (data up to December 16), according to data from Unica.

As for the production mix, there is still no final position for the plants, but among the main factors that should lead to this decision are the direction of the current federal government and the price policy to be adopted by Petrobras, which can define competitiveness relative of ethanol to gasoline.

For the time being, estimates are that sugar production in the Center-South region will grow to between 36 and 37 million tons in the 2023/24 season.

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